
12 WHO advice for good health

12 WHO advice for good health

Good nutrition and physical activity are pillars.

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12 WHO advice for good health
Good nutrition and physical activity are pillars of a healthy lifestyle. But are not the only ones. Avoiding accidents, reducing the risk of noncommunicable diseases, and avoiding the spread of those that are also part of the actions to have a good quality of life, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
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Within the framework of the global conference "Health Promotion for Sustainable Development (ODS): Health for All and Health", held in Shanghai, China, at the end of last year, WHO 12 tips for good health.
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From the international body, they point out that health is one of the pillars of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, so promoting it is essential to achieve the goals set for less than 15 years. "Promoting health consists of training people, communities and societies and providing them with the means to address their health and quality of life," they say.

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12 tips
Here, the 12 tips:
·         Follow a healthy diet
·         Stay physically active, on a daily basis and each in your own way
·         Get vaccinated
·         Do not use tobacco in any of its forms
·         Avoiding or reducing alcohol consumption
·         Managing Stress for Better Physical and Mental Health
·         Maintain good hygiene
·         Do not drive at excessive speed or under the influence of alcohol
·         Fasten your seat belt in the car and put on a helmet when riding a bicycle
·         Keeping sexual practices safe
·         Undergo periodic medical check-ups

·         Breastfeeding babies: it's best for them
Visit: WHO

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