Scientists discover easy way to prevent Depression
A study by researchers has discovered the positive effects of this activity for humans
Sport would be the cure for depression. This is confirmed by research conducted by scientists from various countries, led by the Black Dog Institute (Sydney, Australia), who say that an hour a week of regular exercise of any intensity can prevent future depression. The study has been published in the journal ' American Journal of Psychiatry '.
This 'treatment' would not distinguish age or gender, according to the portal specialized in medical news Medical Express. Although the causes of why it would have this effect to prevent depression are still unknown, it was believed that it would be due to the mixture of lifestyle and physical activity.
Scientists observed exercise levels and the symptoms of depression and anxiety of 33,908 Norwegian adults over 11 years. As a result, the team of researchers discovered that 12% of cases of depression could have been avoided if participants performed at least one hour of physical activity each week.
Samuel Harvey, one of the scientists said, "however, it is the first time we have been able to calculate the preventive potential of physical activity in terms of reducing levels of depression in the future," he added.
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